Autobiographical notes
I was educated in the field of Art and Music, first at the liceo Artistico then at the Academy of Music G. Verdi in Milan and then at the Central School for Arts and Crafts in London. Back in Italy I was encouraged by Felice Casorati and Primo Conti to dedicate myself to painting and I was able to take part in a group exhibition at the galleria Numero in Florence. I then decided to concentrate on a career in graphic design and I worked with some Publishers and then with Bob Noorda, subsiquently I opened a graphic design studio together with some colleagues; among our important clients was the Supermarket chaine Esselunga, the publisher Mondadori etc. After 1975 I often went back to England during my holydays and attended various Summer painting courses given by Cecil Collins, John Epstein, Dennis Creffield, Bert Isaac: all artists who believe that Art should not be taught in an academic way.
Gradually I started this type of courses myself in Milan; I gave up my design studio and while returning to painting, I offered courses in figurative expression in the Centro dell' Immagine e dell' Espressione where I invited other artists to share the idea of non academic teaching: Mario Raciti, Rebecca Forster, Lucia Pescador, Marco Magrini, Renata Boero, Adriano Antolini, Bert Isaac, Dennis Creffield etc. After four years I finally gave way to what I felt to be a primary necessity: a return to painting. Since 1994 I have been actively engaged in artistic work and in the preparation of personal and group exibitions with colleagues in Italy and abroad. The most important event for me in these recent years was my encounter with Calligraphy through courses held by the Associazione Calligrafica Italiana. Application of Calligraphy in my work has changed my manner of self expression and helped me to find a personal language.